Depending on your needs, you may want to turn on the “Create Files not Found in Destination” and/or “Delete Files not Found in Source” checkboxes. Both of these checkboxes affect what the destination directory will end up containing. The source directory is never changed or affected by MacUpdate in any way. Creating Files not Found in Destination will create any files in the “backup” directory that are not currently there, but are found in the source directory. In other words, if there are new files to be backed up, create them on the destination, since they don’t already exist. Deleting Files not Found in Source is kind of the opposite. This option will delete any files found on the backup (destination) volume that are not found in the source directory. Having both of these checkboxes checked will result in a file-for-file “image” of the source directory in the destination directory.
BE CAREFUL!!! The delete function is capable of deleting an ENTIRE hard disk, if the source and destination directories are not set up properly!!! Unless you are SURE what you are doing, don't use the delete option.